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What are the Costs & Payment Terms?

Please refer to the cost section of the website as well an individual NVQ information sheets. A first payment of 50% of the total fee  is required to begin the NVQ process; followed by 50% of the remaining fee upon completion

Are there any Entry Requirements?

There are no formal entry requirements for the qualification; however, the potential learner must be able to demonstrate that they can meet the skills, knowledge and experience requirements of the NVQ before enrolment.

How long will my NVQ take to complete?

An assessment plan will be agreed during your Initial assessment/Induction and a planned end date agreed. However, we would expect your qualification to be complete within eight to sixteen weeks. You are in the driving seat and your assessor will build an assessment plan around your requirements.

How is the NVQ qualification assessed?

We use an online portfolio called Learning Assistant to help build up your evidence. Regular meetings are held normally once a week via video conferencing. During the initial assessment your assessor will identify the most appropriate optional units and provide advice and guidance regarding the range of evidence required. Feedback regarding your progress will be provided at all stages.


Will my Assessor be on hand to assist me?

Your assessor will provide one to one support throughout the assessment process to ensure timely completion of your NVQ. Your assessor will also maintain regular contact by video conferencing,  phone, text and email.

Use our online Enquiry Form to request further information.


We also have a Chat facility on this website if you would like to talk to us now!  Click the Chat icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.


Alternatively, please call or email us direct.  Our Enquiry Form and contact details can be found by clicking the link below.



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